My recent sketching focus is creating word pictures while listening to speakers. It keeps me attentive, challenges my skills as I experiment with new ideas, and makes me remember the message better.

  • Bashkortostan sketch

    Bashkortostan sketch

    Bashkortostan and its people are wonderful

  • The first must be last

    The first must be last

    Chris Brown dynamically told the stories of several Bible personalities. The shared thread through them all: the first must be last = the humility Christ displayed for us to follow.

  • Unscripted Leadership

    Unscripted Leadership

    Mark Burnett used the example of traveling in Morocco: the local advice “Choose our companions before you choose your road”  applies to leadership also.

  • Love takes action

    Love takes action

    Bob Goff is an energetic, enthusiastic, and entertaining inspirational speaker. I had to portray his message with energy. He spoke at the 2013 Global Leadership Summit.

  • Viral Leadership: multiply!

    Viral Leadership: multiply!

    The size of the harvest depends on the number of leaders. Never minister alone. Great guidance from Oscar Muriu at the 2013 Global Leadership Summit.

  • Reversing the death spiral of a leader

    Reversing the death spiral of a leader

    Dr. Henry Cloud, at the 2013 Global Leadership Summit, listed the top 3 things that have to be done to avoid the demise of a leader: 1. dispute lies (reject the 3P’s-seeing bad things as personal, pervasive, and permanent), 2. get back control (list what can and can’t be controlled), […]

  • Multipliers vs. Diminishers

    Multipliers vs. Diminishers

    Liz Wiseman inspired us at the 2013 Global Leadership Summit to contrast Trust Gurus versus Stress Trolls. The first encourage, value, give freedom, give confidence, believe in you, are smart, have a vision, and empower you. The second criticize, micro-manage, put you in a box, control you, and don’t listen.

  • What causes job misery?

    What causes job misery?

    This is a good question succinctly summarized by Patrick Lencioni at the 2013 Global Leadership Summit. The answer: anonymity, irrelevance, and immeasurement (his own coined word for not being able to measure progress).

  • Leadership is intentional influence

    Leadership is intentional influence

    As Joseph Grenny spoke at the 2013 Global Leadership Summit, I pictured his message as nurturing a tree from a small seedling to a giant evergreen.

  • What are we doing this for?

    What are we doing this for?

    Regardless on whether you agree or disagree with Colin Powell’s political perspectives, he has been a great example of leadership. He spoke at the 2013 Global Leadership Summit on developing leaders through trust and respect. People need to feel important.


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